在这句话中,“next level”意味着“更高的水平”或“更先进的阶段”。这通常用来形容某人、某地或某事物达到了一个新的、更高的或更发达的水平。所以,当说“上海已经是next level了”,这表达的是上海在某方面(可能是技术、发展、文化等)已经达到了一个更高的、更先进的状态。这种说法常用来强调进步和改进的显著程度。

"Shanghai has truly gone to the next level in urban development; its skyline is unlike any other."


"Her culinary skills are next level, every dish she makes is a masterpiece."


"The presentation skills she demonstrated in the meeting were next level; everyone was impressed by her performance."


"His piano skills have reached the next level, even professional musicians are in awe of his talent."

他的钢琴技巧已经提升到了next level,连专业音乐家都对他赞叹不已。