Rhetorical Analysis Of George Orwell: Meet Mark Zuckerberg

Sep 28, 2016 ? 758 Words ? 4 Pages

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and relaxes the reader by analyzing these new points. However, she continues to bring up more hard truths throughout the work. Surprising the reader with unpleasant facts can be effective in educating on

heavy subjects. However, doing so repeatedly, as Andrews does, scares the reader about the topic.

Andrews also uses personal appeal to further pull the audience into

her trap. For example, the use of “my” , and “ I” are seen throughout the essay. This strategy is used to make the article more personal and

less formal, as if Andrews is speaking directly to the reader. Andrews is tailoring her word choice to become more relatable, which is similar to shopping sites recommending items for visitors to purchase. These personalized recommendations for each user make them more likely to buy unnecessary items. For example, Amazon has a new product called Echo, where a personal assistant, Alexa, will attend to your

every shopping need. This interaction with a ‘person’ is similar to Andrews using personal appeal to make herself seem more human than just an authority figure writing some text. Instead of buying

products, the reader is persuaded to buy into the author’s beliefs.

Andrews’ personal appeal makes it easier for her to play on the

audience’s emotions, by making her more seem more relatable.

The primary audience for Andrews and her writing style is the

technologically inexperienced. The author uses her knowledge of the topic to further her own argument against it, and to ultimately scare

her readers. Whether they are the older generations who did not grow up with the internet, or the younger generations that are unaware of

the effects of their browsing history. Andrews knows her target

audience and how to tailor her words to them, similar to news

agencies choosing what to report to each user based on their history. This “web lining” that she discusses in her essay, she is guilty of